Reviews Prostovit

  • Manfred
    Faced a problem like prostatitis and bought Prostovit. On the ninth day, the pain is clearly felt and the inflammation begins to subside. Decreased desire to go to the bathroom at night. In general, I advise everyone this tool, it did not disappoint at all and it is not expensive either.
  • Tobias
    The wife ordered Prostovit online. All questions were answered over the phone and sent quickly. The flavor is herbal, quite pleasant. At first I didn't notice anything, but after a week the pain went down a lot and I started going to the bathroom better. I still use it for prevention.
  • Alexander
    Prostatitis was treated in different ways, but nothing helped, it just got worse. When prostatitis became chronic, I thought nothing would help me. Until a friend recommended Prostovit. Really a great drug. I used it for a month, today I passed the test - the disease disappeared.
  • Florian
    In fact, I didn't think I would face a problem like prostatitis. But what to do, it happened. I stumbled across the Internet and decided to order Prostovit drops. And you know, I'm completely satisfied with the result. In just 2 weeks, the pain was completely gone.
  • Jan
    First I went to the doctor with a disease of prostatitis, I took the course that was prescribed for me. At first everything was fine, but after a few months the symptoms reappeared. I decided to order Prostovit and I was very pleased with the result. I'm still using preventive medicine.
Rating Prostovit